Five of the biggest challenges facing 5G

Five of the biggest challenges facing 5G

It’s expected that 5G, the much-discussed upcoming broadband cellular mobile communications standard, will have a big impact once the network rollout is here. The speed and bandwidth of 5G would be such that it could effectively replace home internet connections...
Deciphering the different flavors of 5G

Deciphering the different flavors of 5G

5G is well on its way to becoming a commercial reality. But migrating from 4G network technology to 5G isn’t a clear-cut process and operators have to look at many factors when making the decision to deploy 5G. Those factors include the depth of their spectrum...
The race to 5G

The race to 5G

That 5G is going to be the successor network to 4G LTE isn’t in question by analysts, but rather the question is how fast.  Right now we are seeing several carriers driving hard to offer their customers a first taste of 5G.  They are moving faster than...