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5G and edge cloud will transform the world of gaming

5G and edge cloud will transform the world of gaming

Imagine a billion dollar sports business, a global audience of over 300 million fans and no ball, stadium or field.  Welcome to the world of Esports, competitive online gaming where a millisecond of a lag could separate winners from losers. In 2015, a...

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Thanks to AI, crops are growing in greater numbers

Thanks to AI, crops are growing in greater numbers

Can a machine or computer better predict crop growth than a generational farmer? Proponents of artificial intelligence and machine learning believe that’s already underway. Data-driven technology isn’t foreign to agriculture, as farmers have increasingly warmed to...

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Future trends in the connected home

Future trends in the connected home

This article was originally published to the Nokia blog by Laszlo Gyalog on April 26, 2019. Remember those futuristic predictions of domestic life we saw in movies and cartoons from the 1950s and 60s? All flying cars, robot servants and remote-controlled everything....

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Three ways for telcos to leverage AI

Three ways for telcos to leverage AI

This article was written in collaboration with Santeri Jussila, Head of Analytics Product Line Management at Nokia. The global artificial intelligence (AI) market is booming. Market research firm Tractica estimates annual global AI revenue to grow from $9.5 billion in...

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Your next job interview with AI

Your next job interview with AI

Going for a job interview is a stressful experience. But for an employer looking to fill a position, sifting through endless piles (or files) of resumes is trying, too. Some large companies are using AI to help simplify and streamline their recruitment and hiring...

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